Top Selling C++ Book

Top Selling C++ Book


C++ is a general-purpose programming language that was developed in the early 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs. It is an extension of the C programming language and adds object-oriented programming (OOP) features, as well as other features such as templates, exception handling, and type checking at compile time.

C++ has become a popular language for a wide range of applications, from developing operating systems to building video games and high-performance scientific computing. It is known for its efficiency, performance, and low-level control, which makes it a popular choice for system-level programming and embedded systems.

C++ is also used widely in the financial industry, where it is used to build high-speed trading systems and other financial applications. Its popularity in this industry is due to its ability to handle large-scale computations and its support for multithreading.

Some popular applications built with C++ include the operating system Windows, the game engine Unity, the web browser Firefox, and the database management system MySQL.

Top selling books

C++ is a versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications. Here are some common areas where C++ is used:

  1. Systems programming: C++ is often used for developing operating systems, device drivers, and system-level software because of its low-level control, efficiency, and ability to interface with hardware.
  2. Game development: C++ is a popular choice for developing video games because of its performance, ability to handle complex graphics and physics calculations, and support for object-oriented programming.
  3. High-performance computing: C++ is used for building applications that require high-performance computing, such as scientific simulations, image processing, and machine learning algorithms.
  4. Financial applications: C++ is used widely in the financial industry for building trading systems, risk management applications, and other financial software that require high-speed computations.
  5. Embedded systems: C++ is used for developing software for embedded systems, such as microcontrollers and other devices with limited processing power.
  6. Web development: C++ is used for building server-side applications and web services, particularly in high-traffic websites where performance is critical.
  7. Artificial intelligence: C++ is used in building artificial intelligence applications, particularly in the area of computer vision and image recognition.

C++ Primer

C++ Primer

introduces the C++ standard library from the outset, drawing on its common functions and facilities to help you write useful programs without first having to master every language detail. The book’s many examples have been revised to use the new language features and demonstrate how to make the best use of them. This book is a proven tutorial for those new to C++, an authoritative discussion of core C++ concepts and techniques, and a valuable resource for experienced programmers, especially those eager to see C++11 enhancements illuminated.

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The C++ Programming Language

The C++ Programming Language

The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition, delivers meticulous, richly explained, and integrated coverage of the entire language―its facilities, abstraction mechanisms, standard libraries, and key design techniques

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Effective Modern C++

Effective Modern C++

Effective Modern C++ follows the proven guideline-based, example-driven format of Scott Meyers' earlier books, but covers entirely new material.

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A Complete Guide to Programming in C++

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ was written for both students interested in learning the C++ programming language from scratch, and for advanced C++ programmers wishing to enhance their knowledge of C++. The chapters are organized to guide the reader from elementary language concepts to professional software development, with in-depth coverage of all the C++ language elements 'en route.'

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C++ Concurrency in Action

C++ Concurrency in Action

C++ Concurrency in Action is a reference and guide to the new C++ 11 Standard for experienced C++ programmers as well as those who have never written multithreaded code. This book will show you how to write robust multithreaded applications in C++ while avoiding many common pitfalls.

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C++ Primer Plus

C++ Primer Plus

C++ Primer Plus is a carefully crafted, complete tutorial on one of the most significant and widely used programming languages today. An accessible and easy-to-use self-study guide, this book is appropriate for both serious students of programming as well as developers already proficient in other languages.

The sixth edition of C++ Primer Plus has been updated and expanded to cover the latest developments in C++, including a detailed look at the new C++11 standard.

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Design and Evolution of C++

Design and Evolution of C++

C++ presents the definitive insider's guide to the design and development of the C++ programming language. Without omitting critical details or getting bogged down in technicalities, Stroustrup presents his unique insights into the decisions that shaped C++. Every C++ programmer will benefit from Stroustrup's explanations of the 'whys' behind C++ from the earliest features, such as the original class concept, to the latest extensions, such as new casts and explicit template instantiation. Some C++ design decisions have been universally praised, while others remain controversial, and debated vigorously

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